
Waiting For You In The Future more infoEpisode 24

series details | Waiting For You In The Future

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36 Episodes
36 Episodes


This story is about a 36-year old university teacher, Hao Huigui, who doesn’t live a happy life. He has put with up this kind of life and hopes to go back to his unclouded teenage. By a chance, he goes back. Unexpectedly, he is still 36 and becomes an intern class adviser of grade 12 students. In his class, he meets another him at the age of 17, Liu Dazhi. Hao Huigui knows what Liu Dazhi will face and suffer in the future. But when the man of the world tries to change this passionate boy, everything doesn’t seem to be easy.
Episodes 1-36
  • 1-36
Episodes 1-36
  • 1-36
我在未來等妳 第1集我在未來等妳 第2集我在未來等你 第3集我在未來等你 第4集我在未來等妳 第5集我在未來等妳 第6集我在未來等你 第7集我在未來等你 第8集我在未來等妳 第9集我在未來等妳 第10集我在未來等你 第11集我在未來等你 第12集我在未來等你 第13集我在未來等你 第14集我在未來等你 第15集我在未來等你 第16集我在未來等你 第17集我在未來等妳 第18集我在未來等妳 第19集我在未來等妳 第20集我在未來等你 第21集我在未來等你 第22集我在未來等妳 第23集我在未來等妳 第24集我在未來等你 第25集我在未來的你 第26集我在未來等你 第27集我在未來等你 第28集我在未來等妳 第29集我在未來等妳 第30集我在未來等妳 第31集我在未來等妳 第32集我在未來等你 第33集我在未來等你 第34集我在未來等妳 第35集我在未來等妳 第36集

Waiting For You In The Future more infoEpisode 24

series details | Waiting For You In The Future

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36 Episodes
36 Episodes


This story is about a 36-year old university teacher, Hao Huigui, who doesn’t live a happy life. He has put with up this kind of life and hopes to go back to his unclouded teenage. By a chance, he goes back. Unexpectedly, he is still 36 and becomes an intern class adviser of grade 12 students. In his class, he meets another him at the age of 17, Liu Dazhi. Hao Huigui knows what Liu Dazhi will face and suffer in the future. But when the man of the world tries to change this passionate boy, everything doesn’t seem to be easy.