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The Return Of Pom Pom
Informasi | The Return Of Pom Pom
: Philip ChanDeskripsi
: Bei Duofen and Qiu are good friends, also funny plainclothes partners. They always make troubles at the police station, which also brings the boss, Chen Ban, headaches. However, since Qiu and Anna get married, Bei Duofen becomes lonely and pathetic. Finally, Bei Duofen moves to Qiu’s house and create a three person world full of laughter with the couple. Chen Ban can’t bear it and transfer them to Officer Tian, who is known as “Shark Tian”. They get punished and suffer a lot. On the other hand, Chen Ban is framed by old enemy Flying Bandit. Bei Duofen and Qiu know their old boss got wronged, they secretly investigate and swear to find out the truth…Tampilkan lebih banyak
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